RO 222 Suppliers In Mumbai

ROCHEM RO 222: Combined Dispersant, Anti-Foulant, and Corrosion Inhibitor

URSA Associates offers Rochem RO 222, a multifunctional product serving as a combined dispersant, anti-foulant, and corrosion inhibitor. It effectively disperses scale, corrosive products, silt, and other contaminants, helping to prevent fouling and corrosion in various treatment processes.

RO 222

General Specifications

  • Appearance: Clear Solution
  • Nature: Acrylic Homopolymer, Partial Sodium Salt
  • Average Molecular Weight: 2000
  • Solid Content: 30%
  • pH: Acidic
  • Specific Gravity: 1.15 (± 0.02)


  • Intended for cleaning and prevention of scale on membrane surfaces.
  • Disperses scale, corrosive products, silt, etc., acting as an anti-foulant along with other treatments.
  • Compatible with all types of membranes; does not contain chromates, zinc, or other metals.
  • Does not affect nylon, neoprene, or rubber jointings, and doesn't require additional acid treatment.


  • Clean surfaces for maximum heat transfer.
  • Increases throughput and efficiency.
  • Reduces cleaning needs and maintenance, resulting in less downtime and increased production.
  • Non-toxic and safe to use.
  • Compatible with all membranes, making it easy to use.


  • Miscible with water in all proportions; can be applied neat or in a solution at a minimum ratio of 1:9 (one liter of ROCHEM RO 222 to every nine liters of water).
  • Should be fed by continuous dosing into the feed water.


  • Should not be ingested. Skin and eye contamination should be washed off with plenty of fresh water.
  • The product is corrosive in its concentrated form.

For RO 222 price and availability, contact your local RO 222 suppliers in Mumbai or RO 222 distributors in Mumbai. Choose ROCHEM RO 222 for efficient membrane maintenance and scale prevention.

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