ONE SHOT BWT Suppliers In Mumbai

ROCHEM ONE SHOT BWT: Boiler Water Treatment

URSA Associates supplies Rochem ONE SHOT BWT, a comprehensive boiler water treatment solution. This single liquid formulation contains all the necessary water treatment chemicals, streamlining the treatment process by eliminating the need for multiple treatments.

One Shot BWT

General Specifications

  • Appearance: Clear Solution
  • Flash Point: None
  • pH: 13.5
  • Specific Gravity: 1.1


  • Simplifies boiler protection with minimal chemical testing and feed procedures.
  • Specifically designed for low-pressure auxiliary and fire tube boilers.
  • Provides protection against scale and corrosion.

Ease in Handling

  • All necessary water treatment chemicals are in a single liquid formulation, eliminating the need for multiple treatments.


  • Oxygen Scavenger: Prevents oxygen-induced corrosion.
  • Synthetic Polymers and Alkalinity Control Agents: React with scale-forming minerals and protect against oily deposits.
  • Defoamer: Prevents foaming issues and solid carryover into steam traps.


  • Can be fed directly to the boiler or diluted to a suitable strength.
  • Initial guideline: 2 liters or 4 pints of treatment per ton of boiler water.
  • Adjust feed according to periodic alkalinity tests. Decrease treatment if 'p' Alkalinity is above 400ppm.

Test Procedure

  • Utilizes portable kits to measure 'P' Alkalinity (treatment levels) and Chlorides (to control blowdown).


  • Recommended daily blowdown of the low-pressure steam generator.
  • For better control over boiler water solids, especially under conditions like high feedwater solids or makeup water requirements, a Rochem Conductivity Bridge is advised to maintain acceptable TDS levels.


  • Contains alkaline materials; avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • In case of contact, flush skin and eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention if necessary.

For information on ROCHEM ONE SHOT BWT price and availability, contact your local ONE SHOT BWT suppliers in Mumbai or ONE SHOT BWT distributors in Mumbai. Choose ROCHEM ONE SHOT BWT for effective and hassle-free boiler water treatment.

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