Condensamine Suppliers In Mumbai


URSA Associates supplies Rochem CONDENSAMINE, a specialized liquid neutralizing amine primarily crafted for inhibiting corrosion within condensate lines in boiler systems.



  • CONDENSAMINE is a specialized liquid neutralizing amine formulated to inhibit corrosion within condensate lines in boiler systems.

Usage and Purpose

CONDENSAMINE neutralizes the corrosive effects of carbon dioxide in boiler condensate systems. It targets the reduction of pH caused by the formation of carbonic acid when carbon dioxide condenses with the condensate, thereby mitigating the increased corrosion rates of iron and copper.

Technical Overview

Entering the condensate system as a dissolved gas or a byproduct of soluble carbonates and bicarbonates, carbon dioxide causes acidic conditions, accelerating the corrosion of metals. CONDENSAMINE neutralizes carbon dioxide throughout the system, safeguarding against low pH corrosion, protecting various metals (copper, alloys, iron, and steel), and potentially enhancing heating efficiencies due to its mild cleaning action.


  • Solubility in water.
  • Protection against low pH corrosion.
  • Protection of various metals.
  • Mild cleaning action.
  • Compatibility with other treatment chemicals.
  • High boiling point.

Feed Requirements

  • Dosage depends on total carbon dioxide levels and condensate return percentage, typically requiring eight kilos of CONDENSAMINE to neutralize one kilo of carbon dioxide to a pH of 8.3.

Method of Feeding

  • CONDENSAMINE can be added separately or with other water treatment chemicals, preferably through continuous feed, avoiding brass or galvanized parts in the feed system.


  • Controlled by testing return condensate for pH, aiming to maintain it between 8.0 to 9.0.

Dosage and Caution

  • Dosage isn't as precise as with other treatment chemicals. A starting dosage is provided in Table 1, which can be adjusted based on actual condensate pH. Requires standard precautionary measures during handling and storage.

Freight Classification

  • CONDENSAMINE falls under the freight classification of "Boiler cleaning, preserving, scale-preventing, or scale-removing compound liquid."

For information on Condensamine price, or to find Condensamine suppliers in Mumbai and Condensamine Distributors in Mumbai, please contact local Rochem representatives or authorized dealers.

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