Diptank System Suppliers In Mumbai

Diptank System: Simple water infiltration control techniques

URSA Associates supplies the Rochem DipTank System, a specialized solution designed to streamline the Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI) process, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Engineered for optimal performance, this system offers a comprehensive view of reagents, making it an invaluable asset for non-destructive testing projects.

Diptank System

Technical Specification

The FPI BDiptankSystem has been precisely designed, providing a robust solution for Liquid Intruder Monitoring (LPI). Made of high quality stainless steel, the system is designed to provide optimum performance and extend life. The addition of safety alarms ensures staying on time, which is managed through a timer or PLC for optimum performance.


  • Efficient Diptank Design: The system incorporates a well-designed diptank, ensuring that components are properly immersed for efficient penetrating use.
  • Accurate Installation:Facilitates the precise installation of materials in the dip tank, ensuring accurate coverage and reliable maintenance results.
  • Customized for Your Needs: The Diptank system adapts to different materials and sizes, providing a versatile solution to suit specific research needs.
  • Enhanced Penetrant Coverage: Engagement of the dip tank provides better coverage of the contents, allowing penetrating material to move even in difficult environments for deeper inspection

Seamless Integration for Optimal Results

The DipTank system stands as a proven efficiency in water infiltration control, providing seamless integration into your non-destructive test methods. Improve the accuracy and reliability of your monitoring with this purpose-built dip tank system.


The effectiveness of the diptank system may vary based on specific industry needs and component characteristics.

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