ZChek FP1 Water Washable Penetrant - Mumbai

ZChek FP1: Superior Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant

URSA Associates supplies Rochem ZChek FP1, a fluorescent penetrant distinguished by its greenish-yellow glow under ultraviolet light. It meets OSHA Class 3 B liquid standards due to its high flash point. This penetrant is essential for crack detection in various applications, including engineering and aerospace alloys such as aluminum, steel, nickel, and titanium.

ZChek FP1

Product Specifications

  • NDT Type: Primarily designed for Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, ensuring comprehensive flaw detection.
  • Penetrant Type: Categorized as Type 1 Penetrant.
  • Removal Type: Easily washable with water, simplifying the post-inspection cleaning process.
  • Required Equipment: Utilizes a UV light source for optimal detection.

Categories and Applications

ZChek FP1 is classified under Consumables (LPI), Fluorescent Type (Penetrants), and Liquid Penetrant Inspection. Its applications span across various components like castings, engine cylinder blocks, pistons, and steering knuckles, particularly beneficial for detecting defects such as cracks, laps, and porosity, even on rough or unmachined surfaces.

Industry Approvals

TThis penetrant meets the stringent standards outlined by ASME B & PV Code, Sec V, AMS 2644, ASTM E 165, ASTM E 1417, and ISO 3452-2, ensuring its adherence to industry benchmarks.

ZChek FP1 stands as an indispensable tool in flaw detection, offering reliability and accuracy in identifying critical defects across an array of alloys and components.

For more information or to purchase, contact ZChek FP1 Distributors in Mumbai or ZChek FP1 Suppliers in Mumbai.

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