ZC-9D Distributors In Mumbai

ZC-9D: AC/HWDC Magnetic Source: 220V, 50Hz, 1 Phase; Input Current: 2 Amperes


Technical Specifications

  • Input Supply: 220V, 50Hz, 1 Ph
  • Input Current:2 Amps
  • Distance Across Poles: 0 to 300 mm
  • Magnetic Field AC: Constant level
  • Magnetic Field DC: Pulsed, infinitely variable
  • Lifting Power: Approx. 27 Kg. at 100mm spacing (HWDC mode)
  • Yoke Weight:3.5 Kgs approx.
  • Controls: On/Off Switch, AC/DC Switch, DC Field Intensity Potentiometer


AC Yoke Electromagnetic

  • For surface or subsurface flaw detectability, choose between variable intensity, pulsed HWDC or constant level AC.

Circuitry in Solid State

  • infinitely variable DC magnetic field adjustment by potentiometry (stepless).

movable legs

  • Adaptable to different component shapes.

Distance between Interpoles

  • Variable between 0 and 300 mm..

Minimal Power Usage

  • just 2 amps of current demand with a 220 volt, single phase supply.

powerful magnetic field

  • Strong magnetic field with extreme intensity for excellent sensitivity.

Lightweight and portable

  • With under 3.5 kg, AC demagnetization is simple to use.
  • is also suitable for AC demagnetization.

Not in Danger of Sparking

  • There's no chance of sparks or "hot spots" when working.

Safe Functioning

  • The component being tested has no current flowing through it.

Fundamentals of Function

  • An powerful magnetic field forms between the legs when the yoke is energised. In ferromagnetic materials, this field finds faults on the surface or beneath. The position of the flaw is shown by the magnetic particles' attraction to the leakage field formed by a crack.

Modes of Magnetization

When the yoke is energized, an intense magnetic field is created between the legs. This field detects surface or sub-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials. The magnetic particles are attracted to the leakage field created by a crack, indicating the flaw's location.

Modes of Magnetization

Magnetization of A.C.

  • generates a surface field for surface crack detection.
  • useful for checking for surface flaws like fatigue cracks in large and uneven parts.
  • D.C. Magnetization (Pulsed)
  • generates a pulsing magnetic field using half wave D.C. magnetization.
  • increases the sensitivity and mobility of the particles by detecting both surface and subsurface cracks.
  • Both dry and wet techniques can use it.


  • Perfect for field testing, weld inspection, in-service inspections, spot inspections, and challenging conditions.

Examples of Defects

  • fractures caused by wear and tear, grinding, inclusions, laps, quenching, seams, shrinkage, rips, and welding slag.


  • ASTM E1444, ASTM E709, ASME BPVC
  • With its adaptability in magnetic particle inspection, the ZC-9D AC/HWDC Electromagnetic Yoke offers effective and dependable fault identification in a range of applications.

The ZC-9D AC/HWDC Electromagnetic Yoke provides versatility in magnetic particle inspection, offering efficient and reliable flaw detection in various applications.

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